Guide School 2025
July 21, 2025- August 16, 2025 
Base camp: B-C Ranch 
Salmon, Idaho 83467 Lemhi County
*refundable deposit- refer below to refund policy. * We need at least 6 students to make the class. We will take up to 12-15 students. If we don't get 6 participants, we will refund students who have signed up and other arrangements can be made for guiding instruction. 


The guiding profession is one of the greatest outdoor jobs available to the modern day mountain man. If the thought of riding down the trail leading a string of mules heading for hunting camp makes you sit a little straighter you might have what it takes to become a professional guide in today's outdoor industry. Before heading to camp, a guide must have the skills and desire to work long hard hours under the same conditions that Jim Bridger and Kit Carson trapped beaver in the Shining Mountains. The mountains are just as steep, and the snow is just as cold as when those first mountain men set their traps in the Rockies. In Idaho the weather is likely to change from hot to cold or Cold to hot without much warning. (HEART X DOES NOT GUARANTEE ANY WEATHER SITUATION). Most often while riding before daylight the temperature will be very chilly; sometimes in the single digits. However, by early afternoon it can reach 90°. In the high mountains the weather can change quickly. Don't be surprised if the beginning of your trip is hot and then we may end up in the snow. There is a great demand for hardworking, well-trained guides, packers, and cooks in the outdoor industry. The guiding profession is an opportune way to earn a living while spending time outdoors doing a job that you can be proud of. If you are still sittin' up straight, that is where we can help. Our outfitting business specializes in remote wilderness, fair chase hunts and wilderness guide schools. Our school is one of the toughest in the west. When you graduate from Heart X Outfitters guide school you’ll be ready to go to work anywhere in the industry. The Salmon River Mountains are remote and rugged one of the last wild places left in the lower 48. You’ll be riding horses every day & wrangling. Classes are held at the B-C ranch and will run through our Tappan cabin  and up to our Loon Creek Ranch, located on the Middle fork of the Salmon. Our four week guiding and packing school teaches all the skills of the trade that you need to start your career as a professional  guide/packer, along with incorporating wilderness safety. We will be incorporating guest instructors and presenters the duration of the program.  A good percentage of the class time will be spent learning stockmanship, packing, shoeing, emergency vet needs, and how to make your "long eared pals" last in the wilderness. The animal stock is what makes a wilderness outfitter successful. Your techniques and skills can " make or break" an animal in your string. Poor techniques will establish poor habits and trust issues between rider and animals, that will hinder your business and or guiding career in the long run.   A typical day will start with wrangling the stock at daybreak, breakfast, class time, and then hands on use of what you have learned that morning. There will be periodic quizzes throughout the course. MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE AS OF JANUARY 1 2025. OPEN TO ALL SKILL LEVELS

Key learning points:

  • Horse and Mulemanship

  • Horse Shoeing and trimming 

  • Packing and making loads to pack 

  • Guiding Skills

  • basic navigation skills 

  • Firearm Safety

  • Tack terminology and Repair

  • How to Write a Resume

  • Rope Splicing

  • Fly Fishing

  • Camp Set Up

  • How to Sharpen a Crosscut

  • Axemanship

  • Range Estimation

  • Common Sense Backcountry guidelines and practices 

  • Camp Cooking

  • Wrangling

  • Trophy animal care and picture taking techniques 

  • First Aid

  • Plant and Tree Identification

  • Boone and Crocket Scoring

Saddles and tack are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. Please let us know if so and what you plan on bringing. 
Students are expected to attend classes daily for the full time allotted. Excused absences are allowed if scheduled and approved in advance and the class work is made up. Three unexcused absences will result in a dismissal from the program. No refunds.
Standards of Progress
Grading is based on guiding, packing, outdoor skills, horsemanship, along with attitude and quizzes. In order to be eligible for referral for  job placement a student must earn a C – Average. Students can expect routine meetings to go over skills that are developing well, also skills that need to be practiced and worked on. 
A – Excellent
B – Very Good
C – Average
D – Below Average
F – Incomplete
Class Schedule
The course schedule is flexible and adjusted daily to meet the needs of the students and other circumstances; such as weather conditions or unexpected learning opportunities. The schedule is based on an average of six days per week and twelve hours per day of hands on class work, including instructions and self-study. There will be one day off per week, which as a group we can discuss what will work best for all involved. 


A pair of quality binoculars preferably waterproof, 10x40s or higher are the best. 

  • 1-2 BIC lighters for your pocket 

  • a hat to shield the sun. 

  • One good hunting knife, preferably a four inch folder

  • One good day pack, preferably with a frame for packing. Frame is not required but recommended for pack support 

  • A headlamp with plenty of spare batteries 

  • solar charger or battery packs for any electronic devices you will be using. 

  • If you wear contacts or glasses, try to bring an extra set

  • ·      Personal items - washcloth, toothbrush, chap-stick, deodorant, prescriptions, bug spray, sunscreen, headache medicine, ANY DAILY MEDICATION NEEDED (diabetes medication, blood pressure, heart medicine etc.)  and any other personal items we may have missed.

  • Sleeping bag that is good down to 0º any sleeping pillows needed.

  • Rain gear preferably no plastic, as it is very noisy and rips easily

  • Good pair of leather boots already broken in

  • Good pair of hiking boots already broken in

  • A pair of shoes for around camp such as, house shoes, tennis shoe etc.

  • A good reusable water bottle.

  • Miscellaneous: elk bugle, cow calls, hatchet, fishing pole with Idaho fishing license STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PURCHASE PRIOR TO ATTENDING (we have a lake on the ranch that you can use. bathing suit if we go to loon hot springs or camas creek) 

  • Any special snacks or items that you prefer that will make your stay more comfortable 

If you are in question about anything else or would like specific clothing recommendations please email us & we will be happy to help!


You will be staying in wall tents or log cabins. We will provide cots and or bunks in your sleeping quarters, with Lanterns, an outhouse and shower tent.  You will be responsible for your bedding- sleeping bag, pillow and any blankets or coverings needed.  Very limited electricity options, that includes WIFI. If you have electric devices you will be responsible for bringing a solar charger and or a battery pack for your charging needs.  There is no laundry service on site. If you need laundry services done, that needs to be arranged on our days off. Plan accordingly.  All meals are provided.  We will do a breakfast, lunch and dinner and various snacks through the day. When we get into camp cooking, students will be cooking meals for everyone. We will provide limited drink options- Water, milk, juice and some soda. Heart X Outfitters does not provide any alcohol during your stay. You will be responsible for providing your own alcohol beverages for your duration. Drinking Alcohol during day time learning is prohibited. Any Alcohol consumption prior to any horsemanship, heavy equipment and or power tools activities will automatically cause you be excused from that lesson and will hinder your skill building. No one under the legal age of 21 is prohibited to consume any alcoholic beverages while being on a trip with Heart X Outfitters or on our property. If Alcohol consumption is present, it needs to be on your own free time and not hindering any learning activities planned for that day or evening. If a student has drinking violations relating to the guide school program, they could be asked to leave with no refund and without finishing the program.  Violations are instructors discretions 

* Price  *Refund policy  *  Deposit *

4 week inclusive instruction $5,000.00 per person.             

  • 10% discount for booking multiple in a group

  • all bookings are subject to 6% Idaho State Sales tax

  • 50% deposit required to hold spot. *ask about payment arrangements at booking*

  • FUNDS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE unless the minimum of 6 participants don't sign up for the course. If for any other reason for canceling the course funds are not refundable.  A signed contract and deposit received within 10 business days of booking, will reserve your class spot. The remainder of the program needs to be paid by July 15th. Funds paid are non-refundable. Under certain circumstances- Heart X has to cancel or reschedule, we will apply deposit funds received to another trip or program the following season.  In those circumstances, Heart X will communicate those reasonings with each participant and will work to find alternative options for each participant. Heart X Outfitters are not responsible for any natural disaster (Fire, drought, washouts etc.) or personal reasons for canceling. Refunds will not be issued for the mentioned circumstances We advise all clients to always purchase travel insurance for your trip as soon as your trip is booked. We recommend Travel Guard: or a personal agency of choice. 


Heart X Outfitters operates under the guidelines of the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association Code of Ethics.  We will present each student equal learning opportunities and skill building exercises. All participants, instructors, and employees will be held to the same standards. All participants, instructors and employees will follow all state and federal laws and regulations, any violations will not be tolerated.  We expect the students to conduct themselves in a polite and professional manner at all times. Heart X Outfitters are not responsible for any loss or damages of personal items brought with participants to the program. All participants are responsible for their mode of travel to and from the instructional course offered by Heart X Outfitters. Instructors have the right to terminate a participant's course at any time if participant is demonstrating any of the following: Dangerous behavior towards themselves or other participants or instructors. If participant is partaking in any illegal activities and or causing any physical damages to property, animals, gear or equipment or anyone's personal belongings. IF YOUR COURSE IS TERMINATED FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE REASONSINGS, NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED AND IF NEED BE LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL BE INVOLVED.


We highly recommend purchasing Life Flight insurance: - it’s easy, affordable & could save you thousands if you needed it. For travel insurance contact Sportsman´s Travel Insurance: for all your travel insurance needs

For more information Contact us at:

Heart X Outfitters
Frank Church Wilderness, IDAHO
Gus & Courtney Thoreson
519 Main St #201 Salmon ID 83467

Guide School Questions?
